Accept donations using pesapal. Joomla 1.5 compatible
Lazaro Ong'ele Web Developer Skype: Lazrotep +254-020-249-5438 ; +254-706-191-729 Dagoretti Lane, Off Naivasha Road. Facebook: www.facebook.com/pesapal Twitter: twitter.com/PesaPal Helpdesk: support.pesapal.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Thanks for sharing. I'm currently working on a more advanced Joomla 2.5 PesaPal donation component and at the same time building a PesaPal plugin for CakePHP. I will share with the community for testing when I'm done.
The following user(s) said Thank You: kaiguara
Thanks Koech,
We will really appreciate your contribution. Thanks once again. |
Lazaro Ong'ele Web Developer Skype: Lazrotep +254-020-249-5438 ; +254-706-191-729 Dagoretti Lane, Off Naivasha Road. Facebook: www.facebook.com/pesapal Twitter: twitter.com/PesaPal Helpdesk: support.pesapal.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
am new here...need help as a developer..i want to use this pesapal on my sites..j2.5.. please help
i have downloaded this version.. how do i get customer key?
Hi Kevin,
The donations component for joonla 2.5 is not yet ready but we are working on it. To get the consumer key and consumer secret visit www.pesapal.com and sign up for a business account. You will receive an email with the consumer key and consumer secret. Regards, Lazaro |
Lazaro Ong'ele Web Developer Skype: Lazrotep +254-020-249-5438 ; +254-706-191-729 Dagoretti Lane, Off Naivasha Road. Facebook: www.facebook.com/pesapal Twitter: twitter.com/PesaPal Helpdesk: support.pesapal.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Yo Lazro,
Since I already started working on both a joomla module and component for joomla 2.5, i'd like to know if the development at your end has been pushed on github and if i can contribute or rather build both and share as part of my opensource projects (please note that i have a full-time job and i'm developing as a thank you to the opensource community). I think it's a waste of effort if we have two modules/components rather than one quality solid extension. |
The following user(s) said Thank You: kaiguara
Hi Koech,
Thanks for the contribution you are making towards the opensource community. We have not pushed our work on github. please contact me via email so that we can join our efforts on this. My email is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. regards, Lazaro |
Lazaro Ong'ele Web Developer Skype: Lazrotep +254-020-249-5438 ; +254-706-191-729 Dagoretti Lane, Off Naivasha Road. Facebook: www.facebook.com/pesapal Twitter: twitter.com/PesaPal Helpdesk: support.pesapal.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Do you happen to have the J2.5 component ready?
Nice to know you are working on a 2.5 version of the plugin. Any ideas on ETA? I would also like to see the feature advancements that your plugin will have :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who don't.
Any news on the J2.5 donations component? I urgently need to integrate into my clients Joomla 2.5 website. Thanks. |
Am still waiting for an answer on the availability or lack thereof of this component.
swmaina wrote:
Am still waiting for an answer on the availability or lack thereof of this component. |
Hi swmaina,
Unfortunately it's not up. I advise you to look at how the 1.5 version works and make the necessary changes. Regards, Lazaro |
Lazaro Ong'ele Web Developer Skype: Lazrotep +254-020-249-5438 ; +254-706-191-729 Dagoretti Lane, Off Naivasha Road. Facebook: www.facebook.com/pesapal Twitter: twitter.com/PesaPal Helpdesk: support.pesapal.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Am working on one right for a client on Joomla 2.5 hoping to get it down before the end of the month though may be in beta.
Once test sight is ready I will post it. PM me alex.migwi2gmail.com we can work together. |
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