Authentication Endpoint - Post Request

Pesapal's API Authentication requests are done via a POST request.

Your Pesapal merchant consumer_key and consumer_secret will be used to generate an access token.

This access token is valid for a maximum period of 5 minutes. Use this token (sent as a Bearer Token) to access all other Pesapal API 3.0 endpoints.

The URL to our token generation API is either:

HTTP request headers

Accept: The response format, which is required for operations with a response body.
Content-Type: The request format, which is required for operations with a request body.

Parameter RequiredDescription
Accept Required Should be set to application/json
Content-Type Required Should be set to application/json

Request Parameters

Your live/production consumer_key and consumer_secret will be sent to your merchant email on opening a business/merchant account.

Please click here to open a live/production business account.

Click here to download test credentials to use while connecting to our demo/sandbox API.
consumer_key String Required The consumer_key parameter must be set to merchant consumer_key
consumer_secret String Required The consumer_secret parameter must be set to merchant consumer_secret.

Sample Request
        "consumer_key": "xxxxx",
        "consumer_secret": "xxxxxx"

Response Parameters

token String The access token string as issued by the server. The access token issued will have permission to invoke all Pesapa API operations.
expiryDate String Date and time the token will expire. The access token usually expires after 5mins - UTC
error Object Error object
status String Response code
message String A brief description about the response received.

Sample Response
        "expiryDate": "2021-08-26T12:29:30.5177702Z",
        "error": null,
        "status": "200",
        "message": "Request processed successfully"
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